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Medieval City Map Generator

__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ 1 2 3
__ __ __ __ __
1: Palace District
2: Pleasure District
3: Government District
1. Palace District
__ __ __ 1__
__ __ __ __ 2
3__ __ __ 4
__ __ 5__ 6
1: Government office
2: House
3: Official's home
4: Theatre
5: Official's home
6: Theatre
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Malachite Way
East Crimson Street

2. Pleasure District
1__ 23__
__ S1 S1 __ __
__ 4__ S1 S1
__ __ __ 56
1: Garden
2: Gallery
3: Theatre
4: Theatre
5: Mansion
6: Bookshop
Major Streets
Street 1: Hawk Street

Minor Streets
Aster Lane

3. Government District
__ __ __ __ __
1S1 S1 __ 2
3S1 4__ 5
__ 67__ 8
1: Shop
2: Government office
3: Apartment
4: Guard headquarters
5: Government office
6: Sandwhich shop
7: Bailiff's office
8: Guardhouse
Major Streets
Street 1: Farmer Street

Minor Streets
Hydra Street
Sapphire Way