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Bazaar Generator

Stalls:         Density:         Setting:    
__ __ 1 __ __ 2 __ __ __
__ __ __ 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Traffic: light
Guards: many
Pickpockets: a small number
Beggars: few

Stall 1:  enchanted items and spell components
    Quality: below average         Price: low         Variety: average
    Haggling: is discouraged         Owner: female, anxious, mildly sexist
    Stall Type: sacks and baskets

Stall 2:  scale mail and full plate
    Quality: very low         Price: very low         Variety: very high
    Haggling: is treated with contempt         Owner: female, bored, gossips and a female, distressed, mildy racist
    Stall Type: several connected stalls

Stall 3:  spell components and spells
    Quality: below average         Price: below average         Variety: very high
    Haggling: is expected         Owner: male, tired, lacks a sense of humor
    Stall Type: permanent structure (locked at night)

Stall 4:  staves and swords
    Quality: high         Price: above average         Variety: high
    Haggling: often involves barter         Owner: female, worried, very overweight
    Stall Type: large cart which opens to display wares

Stall 5:  hide armor, bracers and scale mail
    Quality: above average         Price: average         Variety: below average
    Haggling: only for the expensive items         Owner: female, helpful, bows and makes courtly guestures
    Stall Type: small table with goods piled haphazardly

Stall 6:  breeches
    Quality: above average         Price: above average         Variety: below average
    Haggling: often involves barter         Owner: male, optimistic, many scars
    Stall Type: large cart with goods piled haphazardly

Stall 7:  textiles, scale mail and bracers
    Quality: above average         Price: average         Variety: above average
    Haggling: only for the expensive items         Owner: female, very young, lacks a sense of humor
    Stall Type: several tables with goods arranged

Stall 8:  charts and potions
    Quality: below average         Price: below average         Variety: below average
    Haggling: is treated with contempt         Owner: male, miserable, very short
    Stall Type: several tables with goods arranged

Stall 9:  soup and hot drinks
    Quality: below average         Price: below average         Variety: average
    Haggling: is routine         Owner: male, elderly, overuses a certain word/phrase
    Stall Type: kiosk with roof and no walls