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Civilization Gen
Time Period:
Shaping Force:
Time Period: Far Future
Shaping Force: Magic
Population: Fairly even mix with slight majority of one race
Political Structure: tribes - peaceful, trading
Strong Influence: magical power
Popular Issue: magic
Stability: fairly solid

Personal Freedoms: somewhat repressed
Scandals: almost constant
Foreign Relations: very bad
Main Export: textile-related
Main Import: technology-related
Technology Focus: transportation
Trade: major deficeit

Strength: weak and declining
Wealth: government-controlled
Planets Spanned: 4
Preferred Climate: tropical
Ocean: on two sides
Mountains: very many, including volcanos

Wilderness: 53%
Wild Animals: common
Natural Resources: very abundant
Highly Values: sense of humour
Known For: science
Popular Entertainment: celebrity antics
Respected Profession: historian

Discrimination: sexuality-based
Major Taboo: displays of affection
Major Social Ill: black magic addiction
Strength: weak
Focus: space
Main Unit: unmanned spaceships

Soldiers: volunteers
Main Use: quenching rebellion
Rank: earned through time in service
Occurrence: omnipresent
Source: runs in families
Major Use: religious purposes

Viewed: with respect
Enchanted Items: very common
Type: monotheism
Focus: afterlife
Worship: solemn prayer at private shrines

Associated Artform: dance
Prevalence: believed by some
Holidays: often
Urban: 68%
Rural: 32%
Literacy Rate: 100%

Gender Ratio: 0.7 male(s)/female
Fertility Rate: 2.9 children/family
Life Expectancy: 83.1 years