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Medieval City Map Generator

__ __ __ __ __
__ __ 1 2 3
__ __ 4 __ __
__ __ __ __ __
1: Government District
2: Temple District
3: Crafters' District
4: Warehouse District
1. Government District
__ __ __ __ 1
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ 23
__ __ 4__ __
1: Monument
2: Treasury
3: Prison
4: Stocks
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Lower Kobold Street
Zombie Way

2. Temple District
1__ __ __ __
2S1 __ __ __
3S1 __ __ 4
5S1 67__
1: Temple of the Goddess of the Wind
2: Temple of the Goddess of Destruction
3: Temple of the God of Dawn
4: Temple of the God and Goddess of Wrath
5: Temple of the God of Fire
6: Temple of the Gods of the Sea
7: Temple of the God of Music
Major Streets
Street 1: Lower Mare Row

Minor Streets
Chimera Avenue
Troll Street
Chipmunk Road

3. Crafters' District
__ 12__ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ 34
1: Furrier
2: Alchemist
3: Grain merchant
4: Tailor
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Upper Hyena Lane

4. Warehouse District
12__ 3__
S1 S1 __ __ __
S1 __ 4__ __
__ S1 __ 5__
1: Lumber warehouse
2: Tanner
3: Garbage heap
4: Apartment
5: Brothel
Major Streets
Street 1: Tigereye Street

Minor Streets
Sunflower Way
Phoenix Street
Minstrel Street